Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Max capacity = 200... Rain or shine event.  NOTE: Unless you have prepaid and on the list you will not be allowed into the event after dark. We will have a check at the bottom of the drive.

locale- be sure to check out "streetview" for turn into driveway.

New for this year: Port-a-Potties, moon walk gladiator jousting, arm wrestling, a dunk tank, more sponsers, more drinking options, professional music, and a cooler month.

Same as last year: Belly flop comp, bolt clipping comp, pulled pork BBQ, Good People high gravity brews, silent auction, lots of swag, and a themed dance party.

A person will be on the drive to manage parking in the morning. Campers will come down to the house while day guests will park near beginning of drive. PARKING IS LIMITED TO AREAS MARKED WITH SIGNS OR SURVEYING TAPE. Do not park anywhere else.

If you are sleeping in your rig be sure to arrive early. Flat parking spots are very limited.

Be sure to bring bug spray. The chiggers and ticks are in full effect..
This year's BBS (Beg, Borrow, & Steel formerly known as Beg, Borrow, and Steele) is the fourth annual event and follows in the path of last year's huge success. The money goes directly towards the purchase of bolts and hangers for new development and replacement.

What to expect:


June 16, 17. The event starts Saturday morning and runs through Sunday evening.


Regretfully the parking is super limited, so BE SURE to carpool. Parking will be available for those vehicles with a minimum of 3-4 passengers. Parking areas will be flagged with surveyor’s tape along the 7/10 mile dirt driveway. DO NOT PARK AT ANY OTHER LOCATION. Adam's neighbors are old and like to fuss. Carpool can be arranged for you if needed. Please email Adam at adamh@firstaverocks.com


The event will be held on the privately owned cliff of Adam Henry and family. With your event fee, you will be given a guide to the wall's 75 routes from 5.9-5.14. Leave your trad gear at home as 98% of the established lines are sport routes. Several topropes sponsored by Blue Water will be set on the easier lines so don't worry about leading if that is a concern. As per Adam, only GriGris will be allowed for belaying on his property. Please respect this landowner request and don't bring your arguments about the requirement. Five Ten and other shoes will be available for demo as well so all you need is a harness to enjoy the day.


Numerous flat, cleared areas are available. Be sure to claim your spot early. Areas will be marked in the guide.


BB-Q will be pulled on site and served along with chips and local beer from Good People. You are more than welcome to bring your own drink in a PLASTIC cup. The food will be served mid-afternoon so bring your normal climbing food (lunch, snacks, water or sports drink). A muffin and fruit breakfast with Coffee will be provided Sunday morning so be sure to stick around til the morning after.


Everyone is recommended to bring a BIG portion of dessert for the late night Cobbla-wobbla. The more you bring, the more we eat. The Cobbla-Wobbla is is a potluck treat so the more the merrier!




The area sits alongside Blackburn Fork so bring your swimming kit.


Bring any of your unwanted climbing-related gear to donate to our silent auction. New, used, random, it doesn't matter. Your (ahem) trash is another man's treasure, right?

No dogs or douches. Check the Facebook site for more information.